Think 10X and Break Through Your Limiting Beliefs

Simply adding a zero to your wealth goals breaks through your limiting beliefs. Adding in the 10X factor allows you to look into what you believe stands in the way of achieving your goal. From that, everything comes into focus.

Here’s a little thought exercise: write down your annual income goal in three years and  five years. Then write down your net worth goal for three years and five years from now. Now look at those four goals and then add one more zero to each goal. From this, you are forced to think “What could stand in my way? What could stop me?” and this exercise is exactly designed to reveal your limiting beliefs and myths about money and wealth -- everything comes into focus. Expanding your goals and thinking about it this way make you aware of your potential and possible weaknesses that could stop you from achieving those goals. When you set your goals somewhere comfortable and familiar, you stagnate. Not only are you achieving a lot less than what you can, you are also stopping your personal development as an individual. Aiming higher puts your limitations into focus and from there, you will be able to explore and discover more ways in how to achieve it. 

The most common impediment to actually doing this is the idea that you would have to sacrifice more than you currently do. However, with the 10x factor, you will reach an epiphany that you actually don’t have to. This common misconception comes from a lack of self-awareness of one’s own limitations and capabilities. Ask yourself this: “What belief do I have right now, that if I didn’t have it, would allow me to move forward with my goals?”

Matt King