Think Differently About The Rules

More often than not, people are stuck in the polarity of good and bad, right and wrong, rule-abiding and rebel. However, what’s important in order to succeed is not about pandering to either of the sides. Another choice comes into play with the awareness of these rules: following or breaking the rules depending on whether or not it serves your higher purpose.

Whether or not you follow the rules or disobey it, you are not exercising your free will. Action doesn’t stop at knowing the rules like the back of your hand. You might be familiar with the ins and outs of these rules but if your decision is primarily informed by either duty or disobedience, then you are not operating under your own disposition. However, taking that knowledge of the rules you’re under and using it to your advantage are a cause for success. Don’t mistake this as forming a skewed moral compass. In fact, it’s the opposite. By being aware of your power to decide out of free will, you are encouraged to think about the morality behind the rules themselves. Moreover, you also become responsible in whether or not you follow the rules or not. 

Undoubtedly, there’s more to this that haven’t been taken into account such as the culture of the environment, the origins of such rules, and your own goals. As complex as the discussion can be, the most important takeaway from this is to be self-aware -- don’t follow blindly like a sheep, but also don’t be a reckless rebel.

Matt King