Think — Then Grow Rich

Your perspective about money and wealth is informed by your surroundings and your circumstances. How you think about them and the status of the people you surround yourself with greatly influence your mindset. Likewise, if you surround yourself with wealthy people, you will eventually adapt the same mindset that brought them to where they are now. However, do keep in mind that while a wealthy person’s attitude and perception of money are transmittable, the same can be said to poverty. 

Your perception of money essentially informs what your attitude towards it -- how you acquire it, if you want to acquire it, and how much you want to acquire. People who look at money as something purely materialistic tend to be those that don’t make efforts in building up on that wealth. They do not know the true meaning and value imbued in wealth aside from its power to access opportunities and materials. Similarly, those who view money beyond the surface level and its materialistic benefits are those who take on that path of wealth building. If you are not sure where you stand in the spectrum, you can ask yourself questions such as “What would you do with more financial abundance? Would it bring you closer to your destiny? What role do you believe your thoughts play in building wealth?” If your answers have less to do with better material acquisition and more about how wealth will affect your own personal development, then you are already standing on the path to building wealth. 

Essentially, what you think you know about money ultimately decides how much of it you’re going to attract. With that in mind, having the ability of not only learning more about wealth is not the only skill you’ll have to acquire, but also unlearning your previous notions of money. If you consciously and actively choose to learn, unlearn, and be open to the unfamiliar then nothing can stop you from reaching your goal.

Matt King