Become More, Have More

If you want to have more, you have to become more. Your level of success in every single area of your life is always determined by your level of personal development —things like your beliefs, knowledge, emotional intelligence, skills, abilities, faith, etc. 

Part of this is recognizing your potential and flourishing it. However, it is also possible that you may be holding on to limiting beliefs that are unconsciously interfering with your ability to achieve your personal and professional goals. These are beliefs that make you ask yourself “I wish I were more like this and that.” But in reality, you are more than capable to create structures and methods for yourself to achieve that. Much of the hindrances you encounter in the process of our personal development come from you yourself. By thinking in that particular manner, you are already stopping yourself from succeeding in becoming better. When you catch yourself saying any kind of limiting belief, ask yourself empowering questions instead, such as “Where can I find more time in my schedule? How might I be able to do that?”  Doing this actually taps into your creativity and problem solving skills. 

Another major and common hindering tendency that we do is that we cage ourselves in the mistakes we’ve done in the past. Keep in mind that although where you are is a result of who you were, where you go depends entirely on the person you choose to be, from this moment forward. 

With all of these in mind, it is clear now that personal development correlates to creating success. Design affirmations to increase and develop your self-esteem over time. Visualize yourself acting with more confidence, raising your standards, and loving yourself more. This may sound overwhelming, but you don’t have to do everything all at once. Take it one step at a time, and you’ll never know, by the time you look back, you would be much farther from where you started.

Matt King