Taking Responsibility for your wealth

Wealth Can’t Wait, Chapter 10

Taking responsibility for your circumstances and your actions gives you 100% control over your life. Recognizing that everything you do and its outcome are yours. You receive what you are willing to receive, and this willingness comes in the form of taking responsibility. This also allows you to start up or continue a virtuous cycle. 

If you are involved, you are in control to some extent. Of course there are other factors such as the other people involved as well, your environment, and other external factors. This goes the same to failures as well. You have to accept that it’s on you. It might sound disheartening at first. We all have this natural tendency to overly criticize ourselves from menial mistakes to failed business plans. But you can turn that around into something that’s fulfilling and progressive. A simple and yet powerful tip is the language we use. The words we use have so much power within them and because we throw them around so easily, we overlook its value and meaning. Saying “I have to” and “I need to” saps so much energy from us as though there’s some outside force requiring us to do it. But the truth is, there isn’t. It’s all you. 

Rephrasing your words, taking responsibility, and admitting to faults and mistakes gives you clarity that, yes, you do have a choice. As you choose to accept this, you become the creator of your own reality.

Matt King