Make It Happen With Ease

Wealth Can’t Wait, Chapter 9

“Ease” and “easy” are two different terms in the case of building wealth for us. Living a life of ease does not necessarily entail that the process would be easy or that it would have the least resistance. Rather, it’s about the pursuit of the things you want in life. You need to constantly assess what you want to achieve and make decisions around it. With this also comes about recognizing opportunity coupled with the awareness of the faults and risks that comes along with it. 

There is this common misconception that in order to achieve what we want in life, we have to suffer for it and sacrifice our time, effort, and money. However, this statement is much more nuanced than it is made to be. This belief stands in the way of you living as big a life as you are capable of living. Perpetuating this notion that pursuing what we desire means going through suffering and pain just hinders you from reaching your true potential. Having what you want creates ease. Sure, it doesn’t mean that the path towards it won’t be easy or that you won’t be met with the least resistance. But if you continually assess what you want in your life and move toward those choices, then you are choosing a life of ease. Consequently, settling for what is “easy” will only blur the vision that you have for your life. 

As I’ve mentioned, choosing ease does not mean you won’t be faced with adversities. To combat this, focus on the positive. Every time you are faced with setbacks, ask yourself this question: “What is the opportunity in this for me?” There is an opportunity to grow and learn in almost any situation. When you focus on the negative, your problems and challenges, you’ll most likely most likely you’ll get more of them. Focus on the opportunity that lies within every situation that you encounter in your life. I can’t deny that this is a difficult feat. But it’s during those moments where you can find the greatest opportunities for you and your journey. 

Matt King