Think, “What Do I Want In My Life?”

The possibility of failure and the far distance of your goal from the reality you are in are what kill your dream. The harsh reality of life kills the childlike wonder that we had and eventually, it leads us to forget how to think and dream big. But to start really reaching your goals and dreams, you have to stop settling and recognize what you want in life. The next step is to put yourself in that vision of success as if you are living it now. From this, you can be the change you want in your life. 

If you ask a child what they want to be when they get older, you would most likely hear professions such as doctors, attorneys, president, astronauts, and the like. They are able to say those things because, yes they are children, meaning they haven’t had experiences or haven’t seen the “real world” and its limitations that could disappoint then. Moreover, it is a common attitude among adults to dismiss a budding idea, conjured up by others or themselves, of achieving more. It might not be intended to be discouraging, rather it’s more of a learned helplessness. As you grow older, that dream would start to seem too big, too ambitious, too impossible. To save yourself from any more disappoints and rejections, you settle. You decide on going for something that you think would not be out of reach for you. You develop a learned helplessness that stops you from trying out something even before you even think about doing it. 

So what’s the solution for this? Think about what you want. Visualize yourself in that future instead of looking from the outside in. For it to become a reality, you have to believe that it will be and it is possible. What you want in life is yours. Claim that vision and the rest will follow.   

Matt King